Monday, September 28, 2009

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: A Review

I've been waiting for this book for more than two years. It was at least that long ago now that Donald Miller spoke at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI on the subject of Story. It was a talk that I have gone back to probably a dozen times. It's a talk that led me to dream, and then to ultimately step out and begin planting a church - Story Church.

I must admit that I am already a Donald Miller fan. I've read Blue Like Jazz, Searching for God Knows What, and To Own a Dragon. Each of these books has played a key role in my spiritual journey. But even as a fan, I don't think I was ready for what A Million Miles has done to me.

This book is the result of Don's real life experience with editing his memoir Blue Like Jazz to be made into a movie. During the process, he begins to learn all the elements of story - what makes a story good, what makes a story bad, etc. After realizing that his own real life story wasn't really going anywhere, he decided to apply the elements of story to his life. He begins to intentionally seek out a story of purpose and meaning by facing his fears, chasing down his dreams, and embracing the challenges and conflicts that come his way. The result is profound.

A Million Miles is raw. It's gut wrenchingly vulnerable. I found myself regularly laughing out loud. A few pages later I found myself weeping. It was convicting, challenging, inspiring, and unsettling. I was blown away at how vulnerable Miller is in this book. I felt at times like he was letting me in on parts of his life and his thoughts in a way that I haven't even done with some of my closest friends. From the journey to find his dad, to the quest to find love, it was an unbelievable ride.

This is one of those books that will forever change me. I will no doubt read it again and again. As a pastor I can say without a doubt that this is a book I will be giving away to everyone who will read it. It isn't preachy. It's honest, funny, beautiful, and inspiring. And if you and I let these truths seep in, our stories will never be the same.


I'll read it when ever your ready to give it away. You know my address.

I agree with this review completely, even though I haven't finished reading the book. I just started reading it yesterday and got 100 pages in, and love it.

It's a great book Nick. I heard you guys are gone now! You're having your "inciting incident" now! Can't wait to see how the story unfolds.

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