Tuesday, February 26, 2008


If you happen to be reading this anytime soon please pray for me. There's a lot going on right now that I can't really talk about here, but in a couple of weeks I'll be able to share much more. Just know that I could really use your prayers. Pray for health, and for wisdom. I'll be away at a conference next week that is pretty important so I would appreciate prayer for that as well.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Yesterday morning I woke up with the feeling that sickness was coming on. I could tell I was going to have a pretty nasty chest cough starting soon. Well, by last night I was feeling pretty bad. It was a long day of meetings, including 9 holes of golf with my pastor (sounds relaxing I know, but it was difficult the way I was feeling), and a couple hours of baseball practice. During the night I think I was running a fever as I went from freezing to hot every so often. So this morning I stayed home until after lunch time, watched the congressional hearing with Roger Clemens (say it ain't so Roger!), and a few episodes of Lost. Speaking of Lost, if you haven't watched it you probably shouldn't. It's quickly become an obsession with me and my wife. We borrowed the first three seasons from a friend and have been working our way through it. I go to bed thinking about characters, what's going to happen next, etc. and I wake up doing the same thing.

At any rate, I've been popping the pain relievers and hoping that will carry me through youth group tonight. I'm teaching through a series on the ten commandments still and I hate to miss a week for any reason - so I'm hoping I can talk tonight without coughing the whole time.

The rest of life is getting pretty crazy right now. I feel way busy with ministry and baseball and a new baby (which means we aren't sleeping very solidly right now). I pray that God will sustain me during this time. It's going to be a pretty intense 6 months.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday

Today is Super Tuesday. It's basically the day that should decide who the presidential candidates will be. It's been pretty interesting to see some of the debates and to hear what each candidate's strengths and weaknesses are. There are some other issues on the ballot as well. Most of them have to do with Indian gaming and casinos. It's funny because every election I get things in the mail from different organizations that tell me how to vote on each issue. Something like, Arnold says to vote yes on 94, 95, 96, 97. Or, the organization of firefighters say vote yes on blah, blah, blah. I pretty much don't even look at that stuff. It kind of makes me sad to think that some people vote exactly how an organization, or a particular party tells them to vote. I'm a registered Republican, and I have been since high school. But an interesting thing is happening. Today I'm not so sure I would register as a Republican at all. I'm much more of a moderate these days. In fact I looked at the mailer that told me how the republican party wants me to vote and realized that on every issue except for one I was voting the opposite of what they told me. I do like John McCain. But Obama is pretty stinking captivating. I could support a guy like that too. I don't know where he stands on every policy, but the one that seriously disturbs me is his views on abortion. I wonder though if he will even have a chance to make any decisions about abortion. I mean it doesn't look like there are any supreme court judges to appoint, and I don't think Roe v. Wade is going to be overturned anytime soon. But McCain is the guy I probably more stand in line with politically. At least at this point, because I'm sure as only two candidates emerge we will learn more about each one. Romney could totally demolish McCain today though and then I guess I don't know what will happen at that point. At any rate, I need to get over and vote today.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


I know this guy who is kind of a dork. He rarely showers, and he stinks at disc golf. However, he's a pretty smart kid who has some really good things to say. So I think that he should start a blog of his own and begin to develop further his writing skills, so that he may one day be the next Tolstoy as he once told me he was. I know that I would read such a blog quite intently, even if it were simple thoughts on the reading he was doing. He has some good insight, and I think blogging could greatly benefit his development as a writer, a thinker, and a Christian. Plus, then I could quote him in sermons instead of simply referring to his disgusting feet. 

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